Being a pet owner is a great responsibility. Much like having a child, you are charged with taking care of another living being who cannot always take care of itself. You certainly know enough to feed it, care for it, play with it, and clean up after it. But you may be asking yourself, “What do I do when my pet has an emergency?”
This is a very important question. It is during emergencies when your pet truly needs you the most. Your pet is not able to deal with this emergency himself, so he needs you to keep a level head, help keep him calm and safe, and contact an emergency animal hospital.
What do I do when my pet has an emergency?
- Do Your Research – It’s a good idea to plan ahead for a pet emergency. Find out if your animal vet provides around-the-clock care, or if they are affiliated with a 24 hour animal hospital. Write the name and phone number of this hospital down, and put it in an easy-to-find location. This way, if there is a pet emergency in the middle of the night, you won’t have to rummage around trying to find a number to call.
- Identify a Problem – Your pet will need emergency care if there is a major trauma of some sort, like an accident or a fall, chocking, heatstroke, household poisoning, or an insect sting or bite. But aside from that, you may wonder, “How do I tell if my pet needs emergency care?” There are other signs to look out for, such as: weak or rapid pulse, pale gums, change in body temperature, difficulty standing, loss of consciousness, apparent paralysis, seizures, excessive bleeding, or rapid breathing.
- Take Action and Get Help- The first thing you should do is to call your emergency vet or animal hospital to inform them of the problem and notify them that you are on your way. They may provide you with additional instructions. While most care should be left up to the professionals, you may have to try to stabilize your pet before you can bring them to the hospital. If he’s been injured, carefully move your pet onto a makeshift stretcher. If he’s choking, try to remove the blockage from his throat.
As a pet owner, there should be no more worrying about “What do I do when my pet has an emergency?” If you’ve done your research ahead of time, know how to identify a problem, and take action, then your pet is in good hands.