Dogs are loved all over the United States, so much so that 75 million dogs have found families all over the United States, more so than any other country. They have become an extension of one’s family, evening being dubbed a “fur baby” by many individuals as a show of affection. How could they not? Dogs have been close and loyal companions to mankind for centuries. It seems fitting that inventions like indestructible crate pads or orthopedic dog beds were inevitable.
Indestructible crate pads offer a few uses besides a comfy bed for your fur baby. Do you use a cage for your dog? Why not soften the flooring for them with indestructible crate pads? Dogs powerful jaws love to chew. Given the opportunity, like a flimsy pad for a bed, and they will tear it to shreds. Now, not all dogs chew their beds. Luckily, you will not have to spend extra cash on an extra chew resistant bed if your dog rarely chews anything. Many come with extra seems, zippers in locations that can’t be reached, even chew resistant covers that are removable and washable. However, it should be noted that indestructible crate pads are not truly “indestructible,” but compared to a flimsy mat that will be gone in days, if not hours, they can last far longer than conventional bedding.
Chew proof dog beds even find their place while you are on a trip! Are you taking your dog and need to use a crate? Slide in a chew proof crate pad for added comfort.
And if you are in the business of finding shelter for dogs, it would be wise to consider investing in chew proof dog beds. When animal shelters house six million animals per year in the United States, employing the use of washable, and long lasting, beds will keep an animal shelter’s spending lower, allowing for more funds to be allocated to the shelter itself.
Dogs are, unfortunately, susceptible to arthritis, as many as one in every four dogs will be diagnosed with arthritis in the United States; very few breeds can skirt the issue. However, there are plenty of options to keep your dog happy and comfortable. If you noticed your dog loving your bed, you are not alone! Forty-five percent of dogs in the United States enjoy their sleep with their owners. But have you wondered why? Companionship is certainly one reason. But does your dog have arthritis? Do you own a memory foam mattress? Funny enough, memory foam helps distribute weight, causing less pressure on the joints. In fact, orthopedic dog beds are designed with memory foam for that very reason. It is heaven on a dog’s arthritic joints. However, it should be noted to choose orthopedic dog beds wisely because they are only made with memory foam. If they are made with anything else, then they aren’t orthopedic.