When caring for your pet, there is a lot to think about. You are responsible for feeding the animal, making sure they’re safe, and getting them the health care they may need. For many owners of new pets, it’s no secret that a big procedure is in the future for your animal.
The ASPCA says neutering or spaying your pet can help prevent cancer, tumors, and other health ailments. They say for dogs, you should consider having the procedure done between six to nine months of age. For cats, you may have them spayed or neutered at as little as eight weeks of age.
If you’ve never had a pet before and if you’re unfamiliar how to handle this procedure, you may be unsure of what to do beforehand. Take a look at these common questions.
What is My Pet Allowed to Eat or Drink Prior to the Procedure?
Before taking your animal to the spay clinic, or neutering clinic if that’s the case, you need to know what to do in order for your pet to have a successful procedure. The general rule for food or water prior to the procedure is nothing to eat or drink at least 12 hours before the surgery. Call your local vets office to see if there are any exceptions for your pet, but usually stopping food or drink of any kind around 8:00 p.m. the night before is suggested.
Is There Anything I Need to Purchase for My Pet Before the Surgery?
In order to consciously be caring for your pet, there are a few items you should buy prior to the procedure for when the animal arrives home. Your pet may be sick from the medications they were put on or have to take, so picking up some bland foods like chicken and rice is smart. These food items are gentle on the stomach and pets love to eat them!
If there are any medications that your spay clinic tells says will be needed for after the procedure, bring those home in advance so that you have them right when you need them. It’s also a good idea to get a cone for your pet so that they don’t itch at their stitches.
Should My Pet Avoid Anything Else the Night Before?
Your pet does not need to avoid anything else the night prior to the procedure, other than food and drink. However, if you have a cat, for example, and they tend to roam around outdoors, make sure that they stay inside before the surgery. This is a good tip because you know your pet will be home in time for the appointment and you can monitor their food and drink intake.
Keeping an eye on your pet, making sure they’re comfortable, preparing a quiet space for them to rest in upon returning home; these are all things that will help your animal have a successful procedure. If you have any specific questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local spay clinic.