As summer arrives and as many get ready to adjust to a schedule change, it should come as no surprise that many are also looking at dog daycare options as well. For while some people are looking at plans for their sons and daughters, others look at dog daycare plans as the weather begins to warm and the days are much longer. Similar to finding the right daycare or camp setting for children, it is important to make sure that pets are well placed during your long days at work or when your family is away from home for a long vacation.
From prices to facilities and distance from home to grooming services offered, there are many ways to evaluate the large and small dog daycare options that are available. Dog grooming and pet daycare options are a great way to make sure that the summer is great not only for you and your children, but your pets as well. Whether you are trying to find an affordable option for an extended vacation that your family is going to take or you want a year long option for your dog while you work very long hours at your job, it is important to make sure that you find the BEST AVAILABLE option:
- Boarding for dogs, especially cage-free boarding, is a popular option for many families.
- Estimates indicate that 45% of U.S. dogs sleep in their owner’s bed instead of in a kennel of other area.
- Staying at the office for long hours can be especially disturbing if you know that your pet needs to be let out.
- The dog boarding industry continues to grow in a country where there are as many as 75 million pet dogs in the U.S. This is a number that is more than in any other country in the world.
- A panting dog can take 300-400 breaths, compared to his regular 30-40, with very little effort and this can be a big problem for pets who are allowed to get too hot for too long of a period of time.
- Very small dog daycare settings are often a good fit for families who need a flexible schedule.
- An ideal handler-to-dog ratio is 1:10. At the very most you should not take your pet to a location that has a ratio that is higher than 1:15.
- Instead of worrying that your dog is spending too much time home alone, it can be a real relieve to drop your dog at a dog daycare on your way into work.
- Luxuries like private exercise spaces and their own televisions are some of the options at t
- A typical dog is as smart as a two-year-old toddler.
- Boarding prices can vary greatly so it is important to make sure that you check into several locations so that you understand the pricing range where you live.
- Little puppies eight to 12 weeks old need four meals a day,
- Estimates from the U.S. and Canada indicate that there are approximately 9,000 boarding kennels currently offering their services.
Pets are incredibly important to many families. Knowing that your dog is home alone while you are spending a long day at work may not be in your pet’s best interest. Finding the right dog daycare is a process that requires both patience and attention to detail.